The Evaluation of the Effects of Space Interpretation of Storyboarding Technique to the Final Space




Storyboarding, space, storyboarding and space, design elements


“Storyboarding technique is a sketch study that visualizes the scenario used in the field of media and communication, related to the fictional places in the story, livable and ongoing events, in the education of the concept of time in general. Fiction distribution pieces; characters, plans and plans are combined with a certain fictional story, life becomes formalized, targeted. Since storyboard works contain formal and designed solutions, they can shed light on a space to be created. In this study, the appearance of the narration in the design of the film, the narrative of the space in the design of the storyboard (according to the story) used to provide the narration of the place descriptions and the space in a point of view designed to be created with the result from the story, the narration of the space in the design of the place to be considered, a storyboard to talk about with a view to think about. Predictive evaluation and the contribution of the storyboard technique to the final space will be examined according to the design to be examined. Definition of storyboarding, areas of use, design, how each frame should be designed, camera angles and design scales, design elements, these materials are comprehensive materials.


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How to Cite

Savaş, B., Tuncel, D., & Kavut, İsmail E. (2022). The Evaluation of the Effects of Space Interpretation of Storyboarding Technique to the Final Space. Journal of Interior Design and Academy, 2(2), 173–187.