Fountains in Üsküdar City Texture Via Pervititch Maps


  • Rabia Kılıç Suleyman Demirel University, Social Science Instute, Department Of Art History
  • A. Şevki Duymaz Social Sciences University Of Ankara/Faculty Of Art And Design, Department Of Visual Communication Design, Department Of Visual Communication Design



Jacques Pervititch Maps, Fountain Structures, Urban Texture, Usküdar.


Fountains, which constitute an important building group of water architecture, found a place in the Ottoman urban phenomenon by reflecting the style and characteristics of the period they belong to. Fountain structures have become a very common architectural element in neighborhoods due to many factors such as the Muslim people's view of having a fountain built as a blessing, and the importance attached to water by Ottoman subjects and the vital value of water. These structures, which are shaped by the architecture of the period, also shape the urban texture in which it is located. Fountain structures, which usually deal with their architectural features, raise some questions about their contribution to the urban fabric.

The urban phenomenon of the Ottoman period; It was formed based on the history, geographical structure, sociological structure and cultural accumulation of the city. The architectural structures that take place in the city phenomenon shape the city in which they are located. At this point, the fountains, which take their place as a small-scale building group in the urban fabric, have both been shaped according to the space they are in and have contributed to the urban texture by shaping the space. When we look at the fountains, which are integrated with the urban texture in Pervititch maps, on the scale of today's city, they almost disappear in the concrete. From this point, it is concluded that fountains have lost their importance in today's modern world, but it is also a fact that the society has no awareness of this issue and the urban fabric is not protected.


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How to Cite

Kılıç, R., & Duymaz, A. Şevki. (2022). Fountains in Üsküdar City Texture Via Pervititch Maps. 8gen-ART, 2(1), 56–66.