Development Process and Strategic Management of Ecotourism in Turkey




Tourism, Eco-tourism, Development Plans, Türkiye Tourism Strategy


In the Development Plans at the Country Spatial Planning Level, strategies have been developed to ensure the continuity of the contribution of tourism to the country's economy and to increase the diversity of tourism mobility by expanding it in alternative areas. Among these activities, it is seen that the steps and regulations taken especially for Ecotourism stand out. Natural Resource Based Tourism activities of the tourism diversity that spreads to every area in our country's nature are a serious economic resource. As it became widespread as alternative tourism in the 1990s, the country's nature and special conservation areas were evaluated for this purpose, and touristic uses tended to become widespread, causing it to gain an increasing speed and momentum in all our regions. Strategies for Strengthening the Tourism Sector have been put forward in order to increase employment and make tourism a leading sector in regional development by adopting a sustainable tourism approach. T.R. “Tourism Council(s) Model” detailed in the "2023 Tourism Strategy Action Plan" report of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism dated 2007; The organizational model of Point, Provincial and National Tourism Councils has been put forward and job descriptions have been made. Also, finally, Ecotourism Standards and Certification Programs are discussed in the article.


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How to Cite

Demirel, Öner, Bingül Bulut, M. B., & Aydoğan, T. G. (2023). Development Process and Strategic Management of Ecotourism in Turkey. Journal of Spatial Planning and Design, 3(1), 74–88.