The Importance Of The Material In The Space Specific




Space, design, material, belonging, integrity


The concept of space is defined by many professional disciplines from different perspectives. But, emerged concepts such as user, interpretation, and accommodation as a common point of all definitions. Although each space is shaped by the user and in the eyes of the user, the materials that give life to that space as well as the spatial organization by the designer appear as a separate subject of definition. Because every material, texture and color have different meanings. Every meaning of the materials, places are valued together with the experiences. In addition, the fact that the material is important not only in the interior architecture of the spaces, but also in the formation of buildings in the historical process, should not be overlooked. The aim of this study is to reveal the importance and interaction of the concept of space and materials in the historical process in both definitions as well as the integrity of the concept of space and materials in our lives in terms of design.


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How to Cite

Erçetin, A., & Erdemir, Z. (2021). The Importance Of The Material In The Space Specific. Journal of Interior Design and Academy, 1(1), 49–64.


