An Application Experience in an Architectural Context: NS House




NS house, context, , place, spirit of place, architectural practice


NS House (camellia) implemented in Trabzon Ortahisar Bengisu Neighborhood; It is a design given through Karadeniz Technical University's Revolving Fund Management Directorate, in which site-specific architectural expectations are questioned. The concept of the spirit of the place (genius loci) used in this context keeps its semantic inferences related to the place and offers a different perspective to its users. The framework of the study is that the environmental data/components that guide the design give different answers to the problem of site-specific structure formation. It is aimed to examine the intervention in the rural area and the design setup of NS House through the concepts of place and spirit of place. Considering the formation of form, textural continuity, identity integrity, the transfer of local culture with contemporary methods, material preference and user demands/expectations, the understanding of design develops and a relationship is established with the place. In the study, it is considered important to understand/discuss the guiding effects of the concept of the spirit of the place, where the concept of place-specific design is advocated through the NS House. Since the application offers alternative ideas/thoughts in interior detail production/solution at building scale, it is expected to lay the groundwork for new designs to be made in terms of the use of the architectural context.


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How to Cite

Şahin, F. (2023). An Application Experience in an Architectural Context: NS House. Journal of Interior Design and Academy, 3(2), 133–158.