A New Open Space Approach For Urban Settlements: Pedestrian Stop (Parklet)
Open space, parklet, TekirdağAbstract
Open spaces, which have an important place in city plans, have been handled with different aspects in many studies. Open spaces should be planned with certain sizes and distances in order to provide mass-space balance in urban settlements. Open spaces, especially in dense residential areas have various functions such as creating air corridor, providing fresh air, meeting recreational needs, and reducing stress. However, as a result of the increase in construction with the high population, the pressure on open spaces is increasing day by day, sometimes some of them, sometimes all of them can be opened to construction.
In this study, the concept of "parklet", developed as an alternative to urban open spaces, which has decreased especially in dense residential areas, has been researched, and its place and importance on an international scale have been emphasized. Parklet applications can be carried out in which situations by examining potential parklet areas in the central settlement area of Tekirdağ province Süleymanpaşa district, where is the research area, has been revealed. Suggested parklet use has been developed for two of them, which differ in usage from potential areas. With this study, it is thought that alternative open spaces can be created for dense urban settlements, it is an example for other studies and the concept of parklet will be developed in our country as well.
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