3D Projection Mapping as a Common Visual Design Application of Contemporary Art, Advertising and Entertainment Industry


  • Emin Toksöz Social Sciences University Of Ankara Faculty Of Art And Design Department of Visual Communication Design Ankara/Türkiye https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7003-4383




3D projection mapping, advertising, entertainment, industry, design


Buildings, automobiles, and even human faces can be transformed using the 3D projection mapping technique and technology to provide an immersive visual experience for spectators. It has gained popularity recently, particularly in the industries of entertainment, modern art, and advertising. The ability of 3D projection mapping to immerse audiences in various worlds and produce memorable experiences is thought to be the primary factor behind its rising appeal in these regions. Examples of 3D projection mapping applications have grown widely for a variety of uses, including entertainment, art, advertising, and special celebration events, despite the high prices and difficulties in the creation process. While the contents of these works may be autonomous, a new trend in hybrid applications is emerging that combines aspects of commercial marketing with modern art aesthetics and practices with the primary objective of giving users delightful experiences and interesting moments. On the other hand, technological improvements and the opportunities they present for numerous new works and experiences have made it possible for projects and applications that combine multiple fields or specialties. On the other hand, there are different production pursuits in creative fields such as entertainment, art and advertising. It is a fact that those who produce in these fields cannot ignore the opportunities provided by technology. In this context, this study will examine the opportunities and innovations that 3D projection mapping technology offers to these fields in terms of visual design, as well as approaches that will shed light on hybrid works in entertainment, contemporary art and advertising, which we may encounter more frequently today and in the future.


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How to Cite

Toksöz, E. (2023). 3D Projection Mapping as a Common Visual Design Application of Contemporary Art, Advertising and Entertainment Industry . 8gen-ART, 3(1), 49–64. https://doi.org/10.53463/8genart.202300203