Climate Change And Paris Agreement: An Evaluation In The Case Of Turkey


  • Rabia ÖZKUL Suleyman Demirel University, Graduate School of Aplied Science, Department of Urban and Reginol Planning, Isparta/TÜRKİYE
  • Fatma MERMER Suleyman Demirel University, Graduate School of Aplied Science, Department of Landscape Architecture, Isparta/TÜRKİYE



Key words: Climate change, Paris Agreement, Turkey, COP26


As a result of the negative effects of human activities on nature, greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere have also increased. Global warming due to this increase is described as climate change, which is one of the biggest environmental problems today, and its effect is felt gradually. The direction of the effects felt is global and has a negative course. Many international meetings and studies are carried out to reduce the impact of climate change. However, no concrete results can be obtained. Failure to achieve the required result can be shown as the countries not making enough efforts and the developed countries not attempting to reduce their excess energy use. The Paris Agreement, which has been accepted by many countries on climate change on the international platform, is the first agreement to deal with the absorption of greenhouse gases, global warming and climate change. In this study, the situation of our country, which has declared that it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 as a party to the agreement, and the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) are evaluated from an ecological perspective and information about the literature is included.


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İnternet Kaynakları

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How to Cite

ÖZKUL, R., & MERMER, F. (2021). Climate Change And Paris Agreement: An Evaluation In The Case Of Turkey. Ecological Perspective, 1(1), 46–57.